All Motifs (23)
Name Represents Appeared Tags
A Good Man The Twelfth Doctor S08E01 doctor, 12,
All the Strange, Strange Creatures The Tenth Doctor S03E03 doctor, action, 10,
Altering Lives Destiny S00E14 doctor,
Amelia's Theme Young Amy Pond S05E01 amy, companion,
Amy's Theme Amy Pond S05E02 amy, companion,
Clara's Theme Clara Oswald S07E06 companion, clara,
Donna's Theme Donna Noble S00E04 donna, companion,
I Am The Doctor The Eleventh Doctor S05E01 doctor, 11, action,
Martha's Theme / The Doctor Forever Martha Jones and the Tenth Doctor S00E04 doctor, 10, companion, martha,
Rose's Theme Rose Tyler S01E01 rose, companion,
The Cybermen Theme The Cybermen S02E05 cybermen,
The Dalek March The Daleks S04E12 daleks, military,
The Daleks The Daleks S01E12 daleks,
The Doctor's Theme The (Ninth&Tenth) Doctor S04E01 doctor, 10, 9,
The Doctors The Doctor's Regenerations S00E84 doctor, 11, 10,
The Fifteenth Doctor's Theme The Fifteenth Doctor S00E164 doctor, 15,
The Life of Sunday Ruby Sunday S00E168 companion, ruby,
The Shepherd's Boy The Doctor? S09E11 doctor, 12,
The TARDIS Theme The TARDIS S05E01 tardis,
The Thirteenth Doctor's Theme The Thirteenth Doctor S11E01 doctor, 13,
This is Gallifrey Gallifrey, the Time Lords, the Doctor's past S03E11 doctor, master, time lords,
Together or Not at All Amy and Rory S07E05 amy, rory, companion,
UNIT Theme UNIT S00E02 military, unit,