All Tracks (62)
Name Appears Motifs
(The Majestic Tale of) An Idiot With a Box S08E12 I Am The Doctor, A Good Man,
A Good Man (Twelve's Theme) S08E01 A Good Man,
A Noble Girl About Town S04E01 Donna's Theme,
A Pressing Need To Save The World S04E12 All the Strange, Strange Creatures,
All the Strange, Strange Creatures S03E03 All the Strange, Strange Creatures,
Altering Lives S00E14 Altering Lives,
Always Safe Here S10E01 The TARDIS Theme,
Amy In The TARDIS S05E01 The TARDIS Theme,
Amy and Rory S05E12 Together or Not at All,
Amy and Rory Together S07E01 Together or Not at All,
Amy's Theme S05E02 Amy's Theme,
Cassandra's Waltz S01E02 Martha's Theme / The Doctor Forever,
Clara in the Tardis S00E66 Clara's Theme,
Clara? S07E06 Clara's Theme,
Donna's Theme S00E04 Donna's Theme,
England 1562 S00E83 Martha's Theme / The Doctor Forever,
Evolution of the Daleks S03E04 The Daleks,
Fifteen S00E164 The Fifteenth Doctor's Theme,
Hello Hello S08E01 A Good Man,
I Am The Doctor S05E01 I Am The Doctor,
Little Amy S05E01 Amelia's Theme,
Little Amy: The Apple S05E01 Amelia's Theme,
Man And Wife S00E83 Martha's Theme / The Doctor Forever,
March of the Cybermen S00E09 The Cybermen Theme ,
Martha Triumphant S03E13 Martha's Theme / The Doctor Forever,
Martha's Theme S03E01 Martha's Theme / The Doctor Forever,
Never Tell Me The Rules S00E84 I Am The Doctor, The Doctor's Theme, This is Gallifrey,
Nice Horse S00E83 All the Strange, Strange Creatures, The Doctor's Theme, Martha's Theme / The Doctor Forever,
Oswin Oswald S07E01 Clara's Theme,
Rose's Theme S01E01 Rose's Theme,
Safe Landing S00E48 The TARDIS Theme,
She's The Doctor S00E161 The Thirteenth Doctor's Theme,
Sonic Screwdriver S11E01 The Thirteenth Doctor's Theme,
The Council of the Time Lords S00E16 This is Gallifrey,
The Cybermen S02E05 The Cybermen Theme ,
The Daleks S01E12 The Daleks,
The Dark and Endless Dalek Night S04E12 The Dalek March,
The Doctor Forever S00E04 Martha's Theme / The Doctor Forever,
The Doctor's Theme S01E01 The Doctor's Theme,
The Doctor's Theme Series 4 S04E01 The Doctor's Theme,
The End Draws Near S00E16 Donna's Theme,
The Fall of Arcadia S00E83 I Am The Doctor, The Dalek March,
The Futurekind S03E11 All the Strange, Strange Creatures,
The Husbands of River Song S00E148 The Doctor's Theme, A Good Man, The Cybermen Theme , The Doctors,
The Life And Death Of Amy Pond S05E12 Amy's Theme,
The Life of Sunday S00E168 The Life of Sunday,
The Mad Man With A Box S05E01 The TARDIS Theme,
The Majestic Tale (Of A Madman In A Box) S06E02 I Am The Doctor,
The Sad Man With A Box S05E12 The TARDIS Theme,
The Shepherd's Boy S09E11 The Shepherd's Boy,
There Is No Clara Oswald S08E12 The Cybermen Theme ,
Thirteen S11E01 The Thirteenth Doctor's Theme,
This Time There's Three of Us S00E83 I Am The Doctor, The Doctor's Theme, The Shepherd's Boy, Altering Lives,
This is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our Home S03E11 This is Gallifrey,
To Save The Doctor S07E13 This is Gallifrey,
Together or Not at All (The Song of Amy and Rory) S07E05 Together or Not at All,
Two Doctors S00E84 The Doctors,
UNIT Rocks S04E04 UNIT Theme,
Unit S00E02 UNIT Theme,
Westminster Bridge S01E01 All the Strange, Strange Creatures,
Who Are You S00E83 The Doctor's Theme, Rose's Theme,
Words Win Wars S05E12 I Am The Doctor,